2008/2009 4 Guest Lectures Universita Europea di Roma-Pontificia Ateneo Regina Apostolorum (6 more lectures requested in year 2009/10).

2007 May 7th.  Autobiographical lecture on the exhibition in the Louvain Institute for Ireland in Belgium.

2007 March 28th.  Paper selected for presentation at the Congress entitled ‘MIMESI, VERITA, FICTION’ (Ripensari l’arte. Sulla scia della Poetica di Aristotele- Rethinking Art in relation to the Poetics of Aristotle) Organized by the Faculties of Communication and Philosophy at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. Title of paper “Beauty in Art- Contemporary Art and Artists”

2005 Inaugurated the Thesis Exhibition of the MFA Students from University of Washington, which was held in the Centro Studi Americani in Italia.

2004 Pontifical Gregorian University.  Guest lecture on ‘L’Artista, il Suo Mondo e il Suo Lavoro’(The Artist – his/her world and his/her work) Part of Seminar organized by Professor Lydia Salviucci Insolera entitled ‘Lettura di un Opera D’Arte’. (Reading a Work of Art)

2003 Pontificio Istituto Romano Di Science Sacre ‘Regina Mundi’ – 3 lectures on The Sistine Chapel, The Raphael Rooms and Roman Churches.

2001 ROUND TABLE CONFERENCE relating to Art – Vatican Radio – Discussion on the Design of Modern Churches – Participants – Prof. Duncan Stroik. Dept. of Architecture. University of Notre Dame. U.S.A. – Maltese Architect, Richard England – Prof. Heinrich W. Pfeiffer, S.J. Art Historian. Pontifical Gregorian University. Prof. Breda Ennis. The American University of Rome. Fr. Keith Pecklers and Dr. Danies McCarthy. Experts on Liturgy from the Monastery of S. Anselmo in Rome


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