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2014 – 4th Rencontre Internationale Biennale

de Peintres Contemporains, Prix Médaille d’Or  de la Ville de Spa (Belgium) –Mixed Exhibition.






Premio Targa d'Oro



2014 – “9th Edition della Rassegna Internazionale Arte Pittorico Contemporanea ‘Premio Targa d’Oro Citta di Gubbio’.”  Sala degli Arconi, Palazzo Consoli, Gubbio. Invited Guest Artist to accompany this exhibition.





2013-2014 – Touring Mixed Exhibition entitled ‘ITINERA’ in the following locations:

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April 2014 – Caprese Michelangelo. Museo di Michelangelo.
March 2014 – Siena, Rapalano Terme.
March 2014 – Perugia, Accademia Nazionale della Civetta.
Feb. 2014 –Nuova Galleria Delle Arti. Fabriano.
Jan. 2014 Convento di S. Pietro. Biblioteca Sperellana. Gubbio. Prov. Of Perugia.

Sept. 2013 – Palazzo Venezia, Naples.
Oct. 2013 – Rocca Dei Rettori, Benevento.
Oct. 2013 – Artist Fair. Fiera d’Arte Contemporanea. SPAZIO EXPO. La Spezia.
Nov. 2013 – Palazzo Ameglio Galleria L’Impronta, Taranto.


2013 – Invited to be member of the Jury for a Contemporary Art Exhibition entitled “Artisti dal Mondo” held in the city of Lombaroccio (Marche). Exhibited two works in show (fuori corso)

2012 – Invited to be the President of the Jury at the “Premio Medaglio D’Oro Citta di Caprese Michelangelo Biennale”. (Caprese is the birthplace of Michelangelo)

Luminiscenza invite


2012 – Personal Exhibition, “Luminiscenza” Palazzo Valentini, Headquarters
Of The Province of Roma, Sala Egon von Furstenberg.







2012 – Mixed Exh. V11 Mostra Internazionale di Arte Pittorica, Palazzo Pretorio, Gubbio – winning Critic’s Award “pari merito” with French artist Eveline Attard.






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2012 – Mixed Exh. ‘La Donna Eroina nella Societa’ Sala del Capitano, Candelora. International Exhibition of Women Artists.







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2011 – Personal Exhibition, ‘Reminiscenza’ Sala Dell’Aregno, Comune di Todi, Palazzo del Popolo.




2010 – Mixed Exh. ‘Rome as Studio’ Temple University Gallery, Rome.

T + T = A (Frascati 2009)



2009 Galleria DESIREE, Frascati – 4th March to 30th March. Itinerant Exhibition coming from the Scuderie Aldobrandini per l’Arte.Frascati.   Work then moved to the SCUDERIE ALDOBRANDINI-MUSEO TOSCOLANUM on May 2 – until May 30th.  Title of Exhibition: T + T = A





2008 August.  Mixed Exh. (7 works) Museo Internazionale della Microarte, Pietroabbondante, Molise.  Two works remain in collection.  Title of exhibition: SAMNIUM FLUXUS.

2008 March.  Mixed exhibition (two oils) Scuderie Aldobrandini per l’Arte Frascati.  Title of exhibition: TUSCULANEA.


2007 May 9 – September 10, extended to November. Museo Pinecoteca Casa di Loreto. Selected for mixed exhibition of liturgical Art entitled “Crucis Mysterium”.


Leuven flyer




2007 March 19-May 25.  Personal exhibition to open the International Celebrations for the 400th Anniversary of The Irish College in Leuven, In The Louvain Institute for Ireland.   This exhibition was inaugurated by the president of Ireland, H.E. Dr. Mary McAleese.  Both Irish and Belgian government officials and deputies were present, as well as Ireland’s Ambassadors to Belgium and the European Union. A special lunch was held in the Faculty Club of The Catholic University of Leuven.



Altar 2006 Irish Government Commission to design and paint panels for an altar and a lectern for the Embassy of Ireland to the Holy See in Rome. This altar was consecrated on June 4, 2007 by the Primate Archbishop of Ireland H.E. Sean B. Brady (newly created cardinal) in the presence of the President of Ireland, H.E. Dr. Mary McAleese, the Irish Minister of Education, two Irish ambassadors to Italy and various dignitaries from the Vatican.  The new altar appears on page 257 of a new book published in December 2007 entitled “VILLA SPADA” by Carla Benocci (relating to the recent restoration of the Embassy of Ireland to the Holy See) published by the Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato Italiano, Libreria dello Stato (The Italian National Mint).


2006 Mixed Exhibitions (4 exhibitions) – DONNE Internazionali d’ARTE (one of the Founding Members) from June 24th to July 9th.  This exhibition then continued in the Luberti Gallery during Rossini Festival in August.
Palazzo Gradari Pesaro,
Biblioteca San Giovanni Pesaro,
Galleria Luberti Pesaro,
Chiesa San Marco. Comune di Lombaroccio.

Sponsored by, among others, Banca Marche, Regione Marche Commissione Pari Opportunit, Presidente del Consiglio Regionale, Provincia di Pesaro-Urbino, Comune di Pesaro Ass. alle Attivita Economiche e Turismo, Comune di Monbaroccio, and Society Dante Alighieri.


Cover art for book of poetry
Cover art for book of poetry



2006 Designed Cover for book of poetry published by the poet Dr. John Ennis entitled “Goldcrest Falling”, distributed by Brickbooks in Canada.





2005 Mixed Exhibition – Museo Internazionale della Donna nell’Arte in Scontrone. Abruzzi. One work remains in their permanent Museum Collection. Sponsored by the Commune di Scontrone, the Province of Abruzzi, and Telecom.  Show opened by President of the Regione di Abruzzi.

2004 Mixed Show “Galleria Il Quadrato Di Omega” Rome. Prints and Paintings.



2004 Personal Show held at The Pyramid Art Studio of the American University Of Rome to celebrate the official launching of the Studio. Critiques written by the Artist Andrew Stahl, Senior Lecturer and Head of Undergraduate Painting at the Slade School of Fine Art (University of London), and Prof. Adriano La Regina. Sovraintendente per I Beni Archeologici di Roma. Patronage by The American University of Rome and the Irish Embassy. Show opened by the Irish Ambassador and the President of the American University of Rome.



Riflessi di luce



2004 The Tuscolano Museo, Scuderie Aldobrandini per l’arte of the Comune of Frascati. Personal Show “Riflessi di luce” initially held from July 24th to August 28th, and then extended by request of Mayor of Frascati until September 5th. Patronage by the Irish Embassy to Italy. Show Opened by the Mayor of Frascati, the Hon. Francesco Posa.




2000 Personal Exhibition, invited by “Il Salto dell’Angelo Association” in the Classico Village of Rome (Ostiense area), with a one man show by Italian Actor Danielo Formica reading selections by Irish Writers and works of artists in the complex.


Colori e Paesaggi Irelandesi poster




2000 Group Show (ten works each artist) – COMPLESSO DEL VITTORIANO, Via Dei Fori Imperiali – Area Capitolina. This show, entitled “Colori e Paesaggi Irlandesi”, was included in the Monet Exhibition by the Vittoriano Management, and had Patronage from the Irish Embassy.




1999 Group Show – Museo del Vino, Monte Porzio Catone. Ville & Castelli Associazione Culturali.  Show opened by the Mayor of Frascati.

1998 Group Show – Clifden Arts Centre, Sligo, Ireland. (AKIN Group)

1998 Group Show – Part of Galway Arts Festival, held at The Gallery, Spiddal, Co. Galway. (AKIN Group)

1998 Group Show – London Irish Club, Eaton Sq, London.

1998 Group Show – Rassegna D’Arte Contemporanea, Zagarolo.

1997 Group Show (ten works) Art Gallery Internet Rome – ‘Celtic Dream’, Irish Artists. Show Opened by the Irish Ambassador.

1997 Group Show – Museum ‘Citta Museo’ Boville Ernica, Show of European Contemporary art.

1997 Personal Show – Torre Barocci. Part of Festivale Torri D’Avvistamento. Tarquinia.

1997 Group Show – Domina – Rassegna Internazionale D’Arte – Palazzo Rospigliosi, Provincia di Roma.

1996 Group Show – The Linenhall Arts Centre, Sligo. Ireland.

1996 Group Show – Galway Arts Centre, Ireland.

1996 Festival of Art. Chambry. France.

1996 Group Show (11 pieces) Galerie du Faouedic, Bretagna, France. Official show for ‘L’immaginaire Irlandais in France’ Show. This show was opened by the Irish Minister for Culture.

1996 Personal Show – The American University of Rome.

1995 Joeie’s Art Gallery, Edmond, Oklahoma. U.S.A.

1994 Group Show at Notegan Café Rome – Conference Show for the Italian
Association of Jungian Psychoanalysts.

1993 Group Show at the National Congress of CGIL, held in Rome. This exhibition featured works by the past and present students of the Accademia delle Belle Arti selected by Maestro Guido Strazza.

1993 Personal Show – The Hermitage Arts Centre, Armagh, Ireland.  This was an Official Show as part of the Armagh Arts Festival.

1993 Group Show – The London Irish Centre, London, England.

1993 Group Show – The International Association of Printmakers, Via Modena, Rome.

1992 Personal Show – Galway Arts Festival Invited Official Show held at The Riverrun Gallery, Galway, Ireland. The show was opened by The Countess of Ross. The Catalogue became a book about 13 Irish Artists.

1992 Alley-Way Artists Show. St. Pauls Within the Walls Ep. Church, Rome.
Show held during their Music Festival. Artists included Peter Rockwell and Anita Guerra, among others.

1991 3 Artist Show – “IMAGES OF IRELAND IN UMBRIA” – all artists selected by
the Irish Government. PALAZZO DEI PRIORI, Perugia. Opened by the Irish Ambassador to Italy.

1990 Personal Show – Galleria D’Arte Piano Terreno, Trastevere, Rome.

1989 Group Show – “The Academies of Europe” – Organized by the Ministry
Of Fine Arts in Rome. Selected by the Irish Embassy to represent Ireland. Held in Complesso Monumental S. Michele a Ripa.

1988 The American University of Rome – Personal Exhibition

1986 Group Show – Café Gallery. London. England.

1985 Group Exhibition “La Notte delle Streghe”.  This exhibition featured Italian artists such as Scifano and Turchiaro.


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